Guest Blogger: Jonathan Shahabian, Esq.
Injury through the negligence of others can have a devastating impact on you, your spouse and your children. Pain, loss of income, medical bills and the inability to perform household duties are all common consequences of a debilitating injury. Fortunately, the law provides for several remedies to help alleviate the tremendous burden imposed on you and your family by the negligence of others.
Upon sustaining injury, the inability to return to work can have an immediate impact on your family. The loss of wages can disrupt your ability to pay your rent or mortgage, purchase household supplies and/or provide essentials for your family. However, if properly utilized, the law can assist you.
If your injury was sustained in a car collision, the New York insurance regulations may provide an avenue for you to recover some or all of your lost wages. It is essential that the proper steps be taken immediately following the collision so as to ensure your insurance benefits are secured. Failure to timely secure your benefits, can result in the denial of them. If your injury was not sustained in a car collision, the law provides an avenue for recovery of your lost wages through the court system.
Another common consequence of a debilitating injury is the shift in the burden of household duties to your spouse and/or children. Unfortunately, more often than not, the stress of sustaining an injury harms the relationship between you and your spouse and/or children. However, there are several avenues of recourse that may assist you and your family through this difficult time.
If your injury was sustained in a car collision, the New York insurance regulations may provide benefits to assist you in the performance of household duties. Moreover, the court system provides for an avenue by which your spouse may be able to bring a claim for the burden he or she carries as a result of your debilitating injury.
It is important that you consult with an attorney who is well versed in this area of the law. Failure to proceed properly during the early stages of your injury can result in the forfeiture of your benefits and/or legal rights.
If you or someone you know has been injured as a result of another’s negligence, I would be more than happy to provide you with a free consultation to discuss any benefits and/or legal rights that you have.