Parenting Coordination

While emotions during a divorce or separation can be very strained, especially when considering child custody, the process of co-parenting does not cease to pose challenges even after the divorce or separation process has been completed. Even the most artful parenting plans may need to be revisited to address new issues, stress the unique traits each parent brings to enhance the child’s upbringing, and consider new realities that affect the child and parents alike.

We at the Roytberg Traum Law and Mediation, P.C. offer parenting coordination services, aimed at helping parents put a court’s Order, or the terms of their parenting agreement, into effect as smoothly as possible.

Combining our courtroom experience with the skills applied to our robust mediation practice, we serve as neutrals that help parents navigate coparenting, parallel parenting, evolving schedules, and ongoing decision-making – whether on an ongoing basis or for a special, unforeseen circumstance. Unlike a mediator, a parenting coordinator is authorized to provide a formal recommendation when authorized to do so by court order.



Parenting Coordination